If your child is unable to attend school, please telephone to let us know or send a message with a sibling on the first morning of absence. It is school policy to try to make contact with you if we have not received a message by 10 a.m.
A note must be sent for all absences, including occasions when a child is absent for a part of the school day e.g. dentist appointments.
Please note that the school is legally obliged to report children who are absent for more than 20 days in a school year or children whose attendance is erratic and causing concern, even if 20 days have not been missed.
For more information, please look at our Attendance Policy.
For your convenience, attendance notes can be sent to school via the ALADDIN app.
A note must be sent for all absences, including occasions when a child is absent for a part of the school day e.g. dentist appointments.
Please note that the school is legally obliged to report children who are absent for more than 20 days in a school year or children whose attendance is erratic and causing concern, even if 20 days have not been missed.
For more information, please look at our Attendance Policy.
For your convenience, attendance notes can be sent to school via the ALADDIN app.