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Robertson National School, Ballintra, Co. Donegal
Enrolling now for September 2025 - Open Day from 1.30 - 2.30 p.m. on Thursday 13th February
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It is hoped that all parents will support us in our view that every child should wear our school uniform.  We feel that it enhances a feeling of pride, belonging and ownership of our school.  On a practical note it makes a busy parent’s life much easier, as it removes the discussion and competition that can surround what to wear each day.  Our uniform is attractive and not too demanding on the pocket.

The uniform is:

  • Navy school trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • White polo or school shirt
  • Burgundy jumper with school crest
  • Black/dark shoes
  • P.E. Sweatshirt with school crest


(Uniform supplied by The Uniform Shop, Donegal Town)

On P.E. days, children are asked to wear plain navy tracksuit bottoms.  No logos or stripes are allowed.  Trainers should always be worn for P.E.  For Health and Safety reasons, no jewellery other than stud earrings and wristwatches should be worn.

We ask that all items of children’s uniform are clearly named.