On Friday 7th February, we hope to hold our annual Science Morning. From 9.00 a.m. until 9.45 a.m. you are welcome to come into school as the children will be demonstrating some science experiments and activities.
Play Morning
On Friday 28th February, we will be holding a Play Morning for the parents and children from Junior Infants to 2nd Class. This session will be led by a H.S.E. representative. We hope that all children in these classes will have at least one parent present (or a grandparent/aunt/uncle) as it will not be possible for the children to take part without an adult. The aim of this session is to reinforce the importance of play and look at ways of using play to help the children's language, social skills and general development. More details will be sent home shortly.
World Book Day
World Book Day will be celebrated on March 6th.
Open Day for Enrolment/Enrolment Queries
We will be holding our Annual Open Afternoon on Thursday 20th March from 1.45 p.m. until 3 p.m. This afternoon is open to all parents and children who would like to have a look around school and meet the children and Staff. Enrolment forms are available from the school office and all queries and questions regarding the school and enrolment are welcome at any time.
Fundraising Dance
The P.T.A. is organising a Fundraising Dance. The Dance will be held in the Central Hotel on Thursday 27th March. Music will be provided by Country Traditions and tickets will be on sale shortly - volunteers for ticket selling would be much appreciated.