Congratulations to the Leslie family on the birth of baby Shona during the Easter holidays. She has already made her first visit to school and was even able to help us with one of our science investigations. We thank her mum and dad for allowing her to take part.
Warm Weather
Please bear in mind that there is little shelter or shade in the playground so please make sure the children have sun hats this week and if necessary, either send or apply sunscreen.
Standardised Tests
Please make sure there are no absences or morning appointments from Monday May 15th until Thursday 25th May.
Important Dates
Senior Tour - Wednesday 7th June
Junior Tour - Friday 9th June
Beetle Drive - Wednesday 14th June @ 7 p.m.
End of Year Show - Thursday 22nd June @ 7 p.m.
Last Day of Term - Tuesday 27th June
New School Term begins - Friday 1st September
The children in the middle room enjoyed a football blitz in Killybegs on Wednesday.