Parent Teacher Meetings will be held in school on Tuesday 13th November. Appointment times will be issued shortly. If this date is not suitable, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can try to arrange an alternative time. In order to give parents as much time as possible, teachers may arrange meetings on other days.
Christmas Trip to 'An Ghrianán'
We have arranged a visit to see 'Little Red Riding Hood' in 'An Ghrianán' Theatre in Letterkenny on Monday 17th December. I will not be seeking signed permission slips as you have already signed a permission letter covering all trips this year. I am still in the process of arranging the transport to the theatre and this will have an impact on the cost. Please can you let me know as soon as possible if you are not intending to send your child(ren). As we have more children this year than before, would you please let me know if there is anyone willing to drive their own children (and possibly cousins) to Letterkenny? As you can imagine, the cost of hiring buses is very high and if we could avoid hiring a second one, it would save money and lower the cost of the trip for everyone.
Gaeltacht Trip for 5th & 6th Classes
I have been in discussion with the Board of Management and it was decided that for the first time, we would offer the children in 5th and 6th Class the opportunity to visit the Gaeltacht for a five day trip in May (if there was sufficient interest). It is expensive but the payment could be spread over the period between now and May. Contributions of birthday, Christmas or Confirmation money might also encourage the children to appreciate the cost and purpose of the visit. Given that there is now an increased focus on oral Irish in secondary school, I feel the visit would be extremely beneficial for the children. Your thoughts would be much appreciated as I will need to make a decision soon. I would also welcome comments from the parents of 3rd and 4th Class children as hopefully this would be something we could continue to offer on alternative years and the cost could subsequently be spread over a longer period of time. Please either leave a comment here or speak to me at school. Click here for an information brochure.