Mrs Gourley & Miss Browne
We were delighted to welcome Mrs Gourley back to school on Monday.
We were also very sorry to say goodbye to Miss Browne. I know you will join with me in thanking her for all her hard work over the past 18 months and we hope it wont be long before we see her again in school.
World Book Day
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Please make time to ask your child about what we did in school and please also take time to read and share a book or two.
Book Fair
The Book Fair will be in school from Thursday 3rd March until Wednesday 9th March, World Book Day tokens can be used at the Fair and the school will receive commission from the book sales.
Gaeilge Questionnaire
Please make sure we have received your Gaeilge Questionnaire. It forms an important part of the planning we will do in relation to the teaching of Irish in school over the next few years.
We send our congratulations and best wishes to John, Ryan, Natalie, Anaelle, Shanice, Kaithlyn, George, Ria, Michaela, Drew, Laura, Megan, Karl and Ryan. They will be confirmed in Drumholm Parish Church on Sunday.
Open Day
We will be holding our Open Day on Tuesday 8th March from 2.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m.
Easter Holidays
School will close for Easter on Wednesday 16th March and will open again on Monday 4th April.
Standardised Tests
Although this is a little while away yet, please note the dates of this year's Testing Period
Monday 16th May - Thursday 26th May
No absences or morning appointments during this time please!