Please bear in mind that there is little shelter or shade in the playground so please make sure the children have sun hats this week and if necessary, either send or apply sunscreen.
P.T.A Meeting
A P.T.A meeting will be held in school on Tuesday 10th May at 7 p.m. All parents are very welcome to attend.
Standardised Tests
Please make sure there are no absences or morning appointments from Monday May 16th until Thursday 26th May.
Green Flag & Walk on Wednesday
We are delighted to announce that we have successfully achieved our 4th Green Flag. Three of the older children and Mrs Somerville will travel to Letterkenny on Thursday for the Award Ceremony. A huge well done to all the children on the Green School Committee and also to Miss Browne who was responsible for overseeing the work for the past two years.
It was great to see so many children walking on Wednesday. We hope to continue this until the end of the summer term.
Important Dates
End of Year Show - Wednesday 22nd June @ 7 p.m.
Last Day of Term - Friday 24th June
New School Term begins - Thursday 1st September