Although we are always trying hard to raise funds for ourselves, we believe that it is important to support other causes from time to time. We will be holding our 'Cheerios Breakfast Together' morning on Wednesday 7th October. Cereal and milk will be provided for the children in return for a donation of €2 (or whatever you would like to donate). Money raised will be donated to Childline. The children will need to bring their own bowls and spoons!
Tree Day
This year's Tree Day is Thursday 8th October. We hope to add to the trees we planted last year.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the Community Centre at 6 p.m. on Friday 9th October.
We are delighted to have Brian Donaghy from C.E.F. rejoining us on Thursdays. We have missed his lively guitar and fun stories.
Parent Teacher Meetings
We hope to hold our Parent Teacher Meetings on Tuesday 13th October. Please be aware that some teachers may see parents before and after school on other days.
The children may dress in costume or in their own clothes on Friday 23rd October for a donation of €2 to school funds. Friday 23rd October will be our last day before our half-term break. School will close at 3 p.m. and will open again at 9.20 a.m. on Monday 2nd November.
Woodland Walk
The children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class enjoyed a trip in the sunshine to Murvagh forest last Thursday morning. They were accompanied by Shailagh Healy who helped them find all sorts of lovely treasures in the woods. They later used these for their art work this week. Thank you to Cathrena, Francess and Jenny for accompanying Miss Browne and the children.